Gap years have become prevalent among individuals who need some space to think about what they want to do in the future. After all, a gap year is a dedicated period of time, often taken by young adults, where you take a break from your normal job or academia and instead pursue growth through experiences.
In most instances, gap years entails international travel, volunteering, working holidays, or internships. But domestic gap years seem to be gaining immense popularity among individuals. Regardless of what you decide to dedicate your time to, it is essential to understand the pros and cons of a gap year before setting off on your adventure.
The good thing about gap years is that they can help you gain immense skills you can use to make your resume stand out. Cultural awareness, organization, independence, and increased confidence are merely some of the skills you gain by taking a year out. Actually, gap year alumni tend to report higher job satisfaction.
If this is not enough, you stand a better chance of gaining stories through new experiences. Keep in mind experiential learning is a vital aspect of making the most of out of gap years, and after spending a year or two away the stories will mount up. This can be perfect for starting conversations during a job interview, not to mention a fun way to connect with people at parties, or simply just to look back on and remember.
On the downside, you’ll be ‘pausing’ your studies or traditional job for a gap year. No wonder it is important to always recognize the opportunity cost associated with taking intentional time off. What you spend your time doing during your gap year, however, can quickly make up for the apparent ‘time lost’ since you’re still learning, growing, and working towards your goals, just through new and exciting means.
Understanding the pros and cons of gap years is precisely what you need to make an informed decisions. So, what is keeping you from commencing your gap year?